New Bees arrived on 15 April 2017.  Picked them up from Michael Stang around 2 pm.  I decided to wait until Sunday, 16 April to install them because of a previous committment on Saturday.

Installed on Sunday – no problems.  Queen was in cage without sugar plug or attendants.  She looked like a small queen, probably italian.  Gave bees a quart of 1:1 sugar-water in a top of the hive feeder, hung queen cage between 5th and 6th frame.  Frames in hive were mostly drawn out from a hive that died (no disease, the queen died in the winter).

No problems with installation.  Bees look very healthy.

18 April 2017  Hive inspection to release Queen.  Opened hive and removed cork from queen cage, plugged hole with mini marshmallow.  Bees are storing sugar water and nectar in hive.  Also noted bees with pollen entering hive.  Weather has been rainy and cool.  Sugar water consumption – about one quart in two days.

29 April 2017  Hive inspection to check on progress.  Bees pretty quiet.  They seem to be doing well.  The frames have been repaired and they are drawing new comb on empty frames.  Noted capped brood, larva.  Decided to close them up.  The queen must be laying and I do not want to risk damaging her by rummaging around in the hive.

Wow!!  My first WordPress blog.  Hopefully I will find enough time to update this.  The purpose of this blog will be to keep track of our efforts to establish and maintain our honey bee hives.  The beginning blogs will be historical as they will chronicle our last two years in beekeeping.